Analyze CCDs again with reference to final catalog data transforms the objects’ coordinate to plane by warp process. During this process, measured flux might be changed. If you want to estimate the flux from original [visit, ccd] data, it is useful to use detects objects using the positional information after stack and measures flux. Then it creates a new catalog. Batch process can be also used in

# Analyze CCDs again with reference to final catalog data  $home/hsc --calib=$home/hsc/CALIB --rerun=dith_16h_test --id visit=902798..902808:2 ccd=0..103 tract=0  $home/hsc --calib=$home/hsc/CALIB --rerun=dith_16h_test --id visit=903160..903188:2 ccd=0..103 tract=0

# Usage:
# <a directory for data reduction> --calib=<a directory for detrend data> --rerun=<rerun name> --id visit=<visit IDs> ccd=<ccd IDs> tract=<tract IDs>
# Parameter:
#   --id :Specify the object data.
#         In the example above, we set all [visit, ccd] IDs and tract=0 that we use

After, the catalogs FORCEDSRC-[visit]-[ccd].fits are generated under $home/hsc/rerun/[rerun]/[pointing]/[filter]/tract[tract]/. The schema file of this catalog is forced_src_schema.fits under $home/hsc/rerun/[rerun]/schema.

If you have not executed calibrateExposure/calibrateCatalog yet, please do then after forcedCcd (See here ). If you do not need calibrated CCD images/catalogs, you can skip it.