Making data for detrending

For detrending and calibrating each CCD data, Bias, Dark, Flat, and Fringe data are required. The analysis is carried out in order of making Bias, Dark, Flat and Fringe. Note that Fringe data is usually needed for the analysis in y-band, NB0921, NB0926, and NB0973. You can create Flat and Fringe data without Bias and Dark, but if you want to execute Bias and Dark subtraction, you need make them first.

  1. Making Bias data
  2. Makig Dark data
  3. Makig Flat data
  4. Makig Fringe data

Making Bias data

Bias data is generated by removing an overscan from 0 set integration data (this is called as bias raw data). Each CH of one CCD has a 16-pixels’ overscan region at the left or right edge of it (refer to HSC CCDs). Pipeline evaluates the mean value along the shortest axis of the overscan region, fits spline to the longest axis, and subtract this value from bias raw data. Finally the Bias data are produced by averaging the value across all visits after removing some outliers from these data. This can be dome by hscPipe command

# Making Bias data
# In case of data reduction directory is ~/HSC, directory of data for detrending ~/HSC/CALIB, and rerun name calib。
# Please note that; if there is no directory named ~/HSC/CALIB, the data for detrending are created in ~/HSC/rerun/[rerun]. ~/HSC --calib ~/HSC/CALIB --rerun calib --id visit=18624..18632:2 --batch-type=smp --cores=4

# [data reduction directory] --calib [directory of data for detrending] --rerun [rerun name] --id [visit]
# Options
#       --calib: Name of a directory of data for detrending. This must match the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9_+-]+.
#       --rerun: Rerun name
#       --id: Input data ID. Here, specify the data ID of bias raw data. "visit=18624..18632:2" means specifying visit ID from 18624 to 18632 with interval 2.
#             You can also use "^" when you specify target visits like "visit=18624^18630".
#             Or, you can use the column names in the table of registry.sqlite3 (e.g., field=BIAS).
#       --batch-type [slurm, pbs, smp]: Specify the batch system you use.
#       --cores: Number of cores (Slurm/SMP only).

You can use batch system (this “batch system” means the one which the job is submitted to job control system)for all commands of making data for detrending in hscPipe. It provides batch process options depending on your machine environments. Detailed information could be checked with –help option.

# Running processes in local machine (using 4 cores)
--batch-type=smp --cores=4

# Submitting a batch script to another machine(using 2 nodes, 2 processes, total 4 threads)
--nodes=2 --cores=2


If you want to save standard and standard error output as one file, add “2>&1 | tee logfile” to the end of each command. This log file is sometimes needed for investigation by Helpdesk.


HSC data analysis machine for open use(hanaco)does not have job control system. So please add the option in case of “Running processes in local machine”.

The Bias data are created as ~/HSC/CALIB/BIAS/[dateObs]/NONE/BIAS-[dateObs]-[ccd].fits, and other intermidiate ones are in ~/HSC/rerun/[rerun]. Figure 1 shows an example of bias raw data and Bias data. The later is smaller than formwe because of cutting overscan and blanc regions in a CCD.


Figure 1:(left) bias raw data. (right) Bias data.

Then make a registry. From hscPipe5, the processing progresses without registring data for detrending. However, the data loading becomes faster with registry when you use a number of cores. We recommend that you register the data for detrending.

# Register the data for detrending ~/HSC --calib ~/HSC/CALIB/ '~/HSC/CALIB/BIAS/*/*/BIAS-*.fits' --validity 30

# [data reduction directory] --calib [directory of data for detrending] '[fits file name]' --validity [days]
# Option
#       --validity: Calibration validity period (days)

There is a registry “calibRegistry.sqlite3” in ~/HSC/CALIB. This file can also be checked by SQLite.

# Load registry by SQLite
sqlite3 calibRegistry.sqlite3

# Read header information
sqlite> .header on
# Show tables
sqlite> .tables
bias          dark          flat          fringe
bias_visit    dark_visit    flat_visit    fringe_visit
# Registered Bias data are in the bias table.
sqlite> select * from bias;

# Check the number of CCDs and compare validStart/validEnd with the period specified at --validity.
# The other tables are empty.

Makig Dark data

Dark data is used to correct dark current in a CCD stored within any integration time. It is generated from dark raw data by subtracting an overscan and Bias data. In the hscPipe processing, the intermediate data which subtracted average counts of overscan pixels from each dark raw data is created. Then the final Dark data is generated from the data which subtracted Bias from the average of the intermidiate data. The hscPipe command is used for this step. You can use batch system when you execute this command.

# Making Dark data ~/HSC -calib ~/HSC/CALIB --rerun  --id visit=18336 --batch-type=smp --cores=4

# [data reduction directory] --calib [directory of data for detrending] --rerun [rerun name] --id [visit, field, ...]
# The options are the same with

The Dark data is output as ~/HSC/CALIB/DARK/[dateObs]/NONE/DARK-[dateObs]-[ccd].fits. The intermediate files are in ~/HSC/rerun/[rerun]. Figure 2 shows dark raw and generated Dark data. There is no overscan and blank regions, so the Dark data is smaller than original raw data.


Figure 2:(left) dark raw data image. (right) Dark data image.

Then register the Dark data.

# Register the Dark data
# Options are the same as Bias data. ~/HSC --calib ~/HSC/CALIB/ '~/HSC/CALIB/DARK/*/*/DARK-*.fits' --validity 30

Makig Flat data

There are two types of flatfielding; dome flat which uses the observed data of an illuminated screen or wall, and sky flat which made from on-source sky data. Basically the dome flat is used for HSC observation, so we describe how to create dome flat data in this section. The sky flat data can be made from the same command.

To begin with, the mean value of the overscan is subtracted from flat raw data of each [visit, CCD]. Then the final Flat data is created by subtracting Bias and Dark data from the data made in the previous step. If you do not execute Bias and Dark subtraction, this process is skipped. It can be done by Batch system is also available for the command.


Creating Bias and Dark data cen be skipped if you want. However Flat data is neseccary.

# Making Flat data ~/HSC --calib ~/HSC/CALIB/ --rerun calib --id visit=17636..17646:2 --batch-type=smp --cores=4

# [data reduction directory] --calib [directory of data for detrending] --rerun [rerun name] --id [visit, field, filter...]
# Note that Flat data should be created for each filter.
# In case of sky flat, you have to specify sky flat raw data (about 30 shots) at --id.
# Option
#       --config isr.doBias=False isr.doDark=False: If you skip creating Bias and Dark data, add this option.

Generated Flat data files are ~/HSC/CALIB/FLAT/[dateObs]/[filter]/FLAT-[dateObs]-[filter]-[ccd].fits, and the other intermediate ones are in ~/HSC/rerun/[rerun]. The Flat and flat raw images are shown in figure 3.


Figure 3:(left) flat raw data image. (right) Flat data image.

Then add the Flat data to calibRegistry.sqlite3 same as Bias and Dark.

# Register Flat data
# Options are the same as Bias data. ~/HSC --calib ~/HSC/CALIB/ '~/HSC/CALIB/FLAT/*/*/FLAT-*.fits' --validity 30

Makig Fringe data

Fringe is the pattern caused by interference between surface of CCD and it becomes obviously in longer wavelength. The pipeline supports y-band, NB0921, NB0926, and NB0973 by default. The Fringe data is made from the object images when you execute command in hscPipe.

# Making Fringe data ~/HSC --calib ~/HSC/CALIB --rerun calib --id visit=18480..18490:2 --batch-type=smp --cores=4

# [data reduction directory] --calib [directory of data for detrending] --rerun [rerun name] --id [visit, field, filter..]
# Options are the same as Bias.
# Specify y-band, NB0921, NB0926, or NB0973 object data as the input.
# Option
#       --config isr.doBias=False isr.doDark=False: If you skip creating Bias and Dark data, add this option.

The created Finge data are ~/HSC/CALIB/FRINGE/[dataObs]/[filter]/FRINGE-[dateObs]-[filter]-[ccd].fits, the intermediate files are output in ~/HSC/rerun/[rerun]. The object raw and Fringe image are shown in figure 4.


Figure 4:(left) object raw image. (right) Fringe data image.

Fringe data have to be also registered.

# Register Fringe data ~/HSC --calib ~/HSC/CALIB/ '~/HSC/CALIB/FRINGE/*/*/FRINGE-*.fits' --validity 30