Downloading HSC raw data¶
Please read BIAS, DARK and FLAT data before you download calibration data for your run.
You can download your observed data via STARS (Subaru Telescope Archive System) .
After login to STARS, you can see the page like figure 1. From Search by tab, choose Proposal_ID Instrument and Proposal_ID, then select your proposal ID.

Figure 1:STARS Search by¶
After selecting your proposal ID, you can find new page (figure 2)

Figure 2:STARS Search¶
If you need all data belonging to the proposal ID, request the data via Store Query button. If you want to obtain some specific frames, specify the range of data frame in FrameID Range, save with arbitrary name, and click Store Query button.
Then you will receive “STARS2 Stored Query” message by e-mail. Please download the data following its instruction. You can also get a script for data downloading (S2Query.tar) from MySTARS tab. In the tab, choose the QueryName which you saved in previous step and find the page “One Query” (figure 3). S2Query.tar can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

Figure 3:STARS S2Query download¶
To download your raw data with S2Query.tar, follow the way shown below.
# Create a directory for storing raw data (named “rawdata” in this example).
mkdir ~/rawdata
# Move S2Query.tar to raw data if S2Query.tar is in ~/Downloads
cd rawdata
mv ~/Downloads/S2Query.tar .
# Expanding
tar xvf S2Query.tar
# Execute download script in /zadmin
# After execution, please select appropriate network which you use.
Once your downloading is finished, you can find HSCA*.fits in ~/rawdata directory. Refer to Naming rules of raw data for raw data name.