id |
Long |
unique ID |
coord |
Coord |
position in ra/dec |
parent |
Long |
unique ID of parent source |
calib.detected |
Flag |
Source was detected as an icSrc |
flags.negative |
Flag |
set if source was detected as significantly negative |
deblend.nchild |
Int |
Number of children this object has (defaults to 0) |
deblend.deblended-as-psf |
Flag |
Deblender thought this source looked like a PSF |
deblend.psf-center |
PointD |
If deblended-as-psf, the PSF centroid |
deblend.psf-flux |
Double |
If deblended-as-psf, the PSF flux |
deblend.too-many-peaks |
Flag |
Source had too many peaks; only the brightest were included |
deblend.parent-too-big |
Flag |
Parent footprint covered too many pixels |
deblend.failed |
Flag |
Deblending failed on source |
deblend.skipped |
Flag |
Deblender skipped this source |
deblend.ramped.template |
Flag |
This source was near an image edge and the deblender used |
deblend.patched.template |
Flag |
This source was near an image edge and the deblender used |
deblend.has.stray.flux |
Flag |
This source was assigned some stray flux |
flags.badcentroid |
Flag |
the centroid algorithm used to feed centers to other algorithms f ... |
centroid.sdss |
PointD |
SDSS-algorithm centroid measurement |
centroid.sdss.err |
CovPointF |
covariance matrix for centroid.sdss |
centroid.sdss.flags |
Flag |
set if the centroid.sdss measurement did not fully succeed |
centroid.naive |
PointD |
unweighted 3x3 first moment centroid |
centroid.naive.err |
CovPointF |
covariance matrix for centroid.naive |
centroid.naive.flags |
Flag |
set if the centroid.naive measurement did not fully succeed |
flags.pixel.edge |
Flag |
source is in region labeled EDGE |
flags.pixel.interpolated.any |
Flag |
source’’s footprint includes interpolated pixels | |
Flag |
source’’s center is close to interpolated pixels |
flags.pixel.saturated.any |
Flag |
source’’s footprint includes saturated pixels | |
Flag |
source’’s center is close to saturated pixels | |
Flag |
source’’s footprint includes suspected CR pixels | |
Flag |
source’’s center is close to suspected CR pixels |
flags.pixel.bad |
Flag |
source is in region labeled BAD |
flags.pixel.suspect.any |
Flag |
source’’s footprint includes suspect pixels | |
Flag |
source’’s center is close to suspect pixels |
shape.hsm.regauss.centroid |
PointD |
PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) ‘’regaussianizat ... |
shape.hsm.regauss.moments |
MomentsD |
PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) ‘’regaussianizat ... |
shape.hsm.regauss.psf |
MomentsD |
PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) ‘’regaussianizat ... |
shape.hsm.regauss.e1 |
Double |
PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) ‘’regaussianizat ... |
shape.hsm.regauss.e2 |
Double |
PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) ‘’regaussianizat ... |
shape.hsm.regauss.err |
Double |
Uncertainty on e1 and e2 (assumed to be the same) |
shape.hsm.regauss.sigma |
Double |
PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) ‘’regaussianizat ... |
shape.hsm.regauss.resolution |
Double |
resolution factor (0=unresolved, 1=resolved) |
shape.hsm.regauss.flags |
Flag |
set if measurement failed in any way |
shape.sdss |
MomentsD |
shape measured with SDSS adaptive moment algorithm |
shape.sdss.err |
CovMomentsF |
covariance matrix for shape.sdss |
shape.sdss.flags |
Flag |
set if the shape.sdss measurement failed |
shape.sdss.centroid |
PointD |
centroid measured with SDSS adaptive moment shape algorithm |
shape.sdss.centroid.err |
CovPointF |
covariance matrix for shape.sdss.centroid |
shape.sdss.centroid.flags |
Flag |
set if the shape.sdss.centroid measurement did not fully succeed |
shape.sdss.flags.unweightedbad |
Flag |
even the unweighted moments were bad |
shape.sdss.flags.unweighted |
Flag |
adaptive moments failed; fall back to unweighted moments |
shape.sdss.flags.shift |
Flag |
centroid shifted while estimating adaptive moments |
shape.sdss.flags.maxiter |
Flag |
too many iterations for adaptive moments |
shape.sdss.psf |
MomentsD |
adaptive moments of the PSF model at the position of this object |
shape.sdss.flags.psf |
Flag |
failure in measuring PSF model shape |
flux.aperture |
ArrayD |
sum of pixels in apertures |
flux.aperture.err |
ArrayD |
uncertainty for flux.aperture |
flux.aperture.nProfile |
Int |
pixels |
flux.aperture.flags |
Flag |
success flag for flux.aperture |
flux.gaussian |
Double |
linear fit to an elliptical Gaussian with shape parameters set by ... |
flux.gaussian.err |
Double |
uncertainty for flux.gaussian |
flux.gaussian.flags |
Flag |
set if the flux.gaussian measurement failed |
flux.gaussian.psffactor |
Float |
‘’flux’’ from applying the algorithm to the PSF model |
flux.gaussian.flags.psffactor |
Flag |
set if the algorithm could not be applied to the PSF model |
flux.kron |
Double |
Kron photometry: photometry with aperture set to some multiple of ... |
flux.kron.err |
Double |
uncertainty for flux.kron |
flux.kron.flags |
Flag |
set if the flux.kron measurement failed |
flux.kron.psffactor |
Float |
‘’flux’’ from applying the algorithm to the PSF model |
flux.kron.flags.psffactor |
Flag |
set if the algorithm could not be applied to the PSF model |
flux.kron.radius |
Float |
Kron radius (sqrt(a*b)) |
flux.kron.radiusForRadius |
Float |
Radius used to estimate <radius> (sqrt(a*b)) |
flux.kron.flags.radius |
Flag |
Bad Kron radius |
flux.kron.flags.smallRadius |
Flag |
Measured Kron radius was smaller than that of the PSF |
flux.naive |
Double |
simple sum over pixels in a circular aperture |
flux.naive.err |
Double |
uncertainty for flux.naive |
flux.naive.flags |
Flag |
set if the flux.naive measurement failed |
flux.psf |
Double |
flux measured by a fit to the PSF model |
flux.psf.err |
Double |
uncertainty for flux.psf |
flux.psf.flags |
Flag |
set if the flux.psf measurement failed |
flux.psf.psffactor |
Float |
‘’flux’’ from applying the algorithm to the PSF model |
flux.psf.flags.psffactor |
Flag |
set if the algorithm could not be applied to the PSF model |
flux.sinc |
Double |
elliptical aperture photometry using sinc interpolation |
flux.sinc.err |
Double |
uncertainty for flux.sinc |
flux.sinc.flags |
Flag |
set if the flux.sinc measurement failed |
multishapelet.psf.inner |
ArrayF |
Gauss-Hermite coefficients of the inner expansion (see lsst.shape ... |
multishapelet.psf.outer |
ArrayF |
Gauss-Hermite coefficients of the outer expansion (see lsst.shape ... |
multishapelet.psf.ellipse |
MomentsF |
Ellipse corresponding to the inner expansion |
multishapelet.psf.chisq |
Float |
Reduced chi^2 of the final shapelet fit |
multishapelet.psf.integral |
Float |
Integral of the shapelet PSF model to infinite radius |
multishapelet.psf.flags |
Flag |
set if the multi-shapelet PSF fit was unsuccessful in any way |
multishapelet.psf.flags.maxiter |
Flag |
set if the optimizer ran into the maximum number of iterations li ... |
multishapelet.psf.flags.tinystep |
Flag |
set if the optimizer step or trust region got so small no progres ... |
multishapelet.psf.flags.constraint.r |
Flag |
set if the best-fit radius was the minimum allowed by the constra ... |
multishapelet.psf.flags.constraint.q |
Flag |
set if the best-fit axis ratio (b/a) was the minimum allowed by t ... |
cmodel.initial.flux |
Double |
flux from the initial fit |
cmodel.initial.flux.err |
Double |
uncertainty for cmodel.initial.flux |
cmodel.initial.flux.flags |
Flag |
set if the cmodel.initial.flux measurement failed |
cmodel.initial.psffactor |
Float |
‘’flux’’ from applying the algorithm to the PSF model |
cmodel.initial.flags.psffactor |
Flag |
set if the algorithm could not be applied to the PSF model |
cmodel.initial.ellipse |
MomentsD |
effective radius ellipse from the initial fit |
cmodel.initial.objective |
Double |
-ln(likelihood*prior) at best-fit point for the initial fit |
cmodel.initial.nonlinear |
ArrayD |
nonlinear parameters for the initial fit |
cmodel.initial.fixed |
ArrayD |
fixed parameters for the initial fit |
cmodel.initial.flags.trSmall |
Flag |
the optimizer converged because the trust radius became too small ... |
cmodel.initial.flags.maxIter |
Flag |
the optimizer hit the maximum number of iterations and did not co ... |
cmodel.initial.flags.numericError |
Flag |
numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this ... |
cmodel.initial.nIter |
Int |
Number of total iterations in stage |
cmodel.initial.time |
Double |
Time spent in stage |
cmodel.exp.flux |
Double |
flux from the exponential fit |
cmodel.exp.flux.err |
Double |
uncertainty for cmodel.exp.flux |
cmodel.exp.flux.flags |
Flag |
set if the cmodel.exp.flux measurement failed |
cmodel.exp.psffactor |
Float |
‘’flux’’ from applying the algorithm to the PSF model |
cmodel.exp.flags.psffactor |
Flag |
set if the algorithm could not be applied to the PSF model |
cmodel.exp.ellipse |
MomentsD |
effective radius ellipse from the exponential fit |
cmodel.exp.objective |
Double |
-ln(likelihood*prior) at best-fit point for the exponential fit |
cmodel.exp.nonlinear |
ArrayD |
nonlinear parameters for the exponential fit |
cmodel.exp.fixed |
ArrayD |
fixed parameters for the exponential fit |
cmodel.exp.flags.trSmall |
Flag |
the optimizer converged because the trust radius became too small ... |
cmodel.exp.flags.maxIter |
Flag |
the optimizer hit the maximum number of iterations and did not co ... |
cmodel.exp.flags.numericError |
Flag |
numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this ... |
cmodel.exp.nIter |
Int |
Number of total iterations in stage |
cmodel.exp.time |
Double |
Time spent in stage | |
Double |
flux from the de Vaucouleur fit | |
Double |
uncertainty for | |
Flag |
set if the measurement failed | |
Float |
‘’flux’’ from applying the algorithm to the PSF model | |
Flag |
set if the algorithm could not be applied to the PSF model | |
MomentsD |
effective radius ellipse from the de Vaucouleur fit | |
Double |
-ln(likelihood*prior) at best-fit point for the de Vaucouleur fit | |
ArrayD |
nonlinear parameters for the de Vaucouleur fit | |
ArrayD |
fixed parameters for the de Vaucouleur fit | |
Flag |
the optimizer converged because the trust radius became too small ... | |
Flag |
the optimizer hit the maximum number of iterations and did not co ... | |
Flag |
numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this ... | |
Int |
Number of total iterations in stage | |
Double |
Time spent in stage | |
PointD |
center position used in CModel fit |
cmodel.flux |
Double |
flux from the final cmodel fit |
cmodel.flux.err |
Double |
uncertainty for cmodel.flux |
cmodel.flux.flags |
Flag |
set if the cmodel.flux measurement failed |
cmodel.psffactor |
Float |
‘’flux’’ from applying the algorithm to the PSF model |
cmodel.flags.psffactor |
Flag |
set if the algorithm could not be applied to the PSF model |
cmodel.fracDev |
Double |
fraction of flux in de Vaucouleur component |
cmodel.objective |
Double |
-ln(likelihood) (chi^2) in cmodel fit |
cmodel.flags.maxArea |
Flag |
number of pixels in fit region exceeded the region.maxArea value ... |
cmodel.flags.maxBadPixelFraction |
Flag |
the fraction of bad/clipped pixels in the fit region exceeded reg ... |
cmodel.flags.noShape |
Flag |
the shape slot needed to initialize the parameters failed or was ... |
cmodel.flags.noPsf |
Flag |
the multishapelet fit to the PSF model did not succeed |
cmodel.flags.noWcs |
Flag |
input exposure has no world coordinate system information |
cmodel.flags.noCalib |
Flag |
input exposure has no photometric calibration information |
correctfluxes.apcorr |
Float |
correction applied to model fluxes to match to 7.000000-pixel ape ... |
correctfluxes.apcorr.flags |
Flag |
flag set if aperture correction failed |
classification.extendedness |
Double |
probability of being extended | |
Flag |
true if source is in the inner region of a coadd patch | |
Flag |
true if source is in the inner region of a coadd tract | |
Flag |
true if source has no children and is in the inner region of a co ... |