hscPipe Tutorial

HSC pipeline (hscPipe) has been devepoled by NAOJ (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan), Princeton Univsersity and Kavli IPMU (Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, the University of Tokyo) and based on LSST (Large Synoptic Survey Telescope) pipeline. The all commands in hscPipe are performed with python script.

hscPipe can create calibrated images and object catalogs from HSC raw data. The basic processing step is like below;

  1. Preparation (Download raw data and setup reduction environment)
  2. Making data for detrending (Make Bias, Dark, Flat, and Fringe data)
  3. Single-visit processing (CCD analysis)
  4. Mosaicking
  5. Coadding
  6. Multiband analysis

Please read Structure of repositry and hscPipe basic information first, if you have never used hscPipe5. The link under Next Step in the side-bar is guidepost for the next process. The filters supported in hscPipe5 are shown in hscPipe5 support filter list

Structure of repositry

~/HSC                           # Directory for data reduction
|--registry.sqlite3             # Registory for all data
| └--[dateObs]
|   └--[pointing]
|     └--[filter]
|       └--HSC-[visit]-[ccd].fits
| └--[dateObs]
|   └--[pointing]
|     └--[filter]
|       └--HSC-[visit]-[ccd].fits
|--CALIB        # Directory of data for detrending
| |--calibRegistry.sqlite3      #
| |--BIAS       # BIAS data
| | └--[dateObs]
| |   └--NONE
| |     └--BIAS-[dateObs]-[ccd].fits
| |--DARK       # DARK data
| | └--[dateObs]
| |   └--NONE
| |     └--DARK-[dateObs]-[ccd].fits
| |--FLAT       # FLAT data
| | └--[dateObs]
| |   └--[filter]
| |     └--FLAT-[dateObs]-[filter]-[ccd].fits
| |--FRINGE     # FRINGE data
| | └--[dateObs]
| |   └--[filter]
| |     └--FRINGE-[dateObs]-[filter]-[ccd].fits
|   └--brighter_fatter_kernel.pkl
|--ref_cats     # Directory for reference catalog
| └--ps1_pv3_3pi_20170110
  | |--repositoryCfg.yaml
  | |--config           # Directory for analysis parameters
  | | |--packages.pickle
  | | |--singleFrameDriver.py
  | | |--mosaic.py
  | | |--coaddDriver.py
  | | |--multiBandDriver.py
  | | └--forcedPhotCcd.py
  | |--schema           # Directory for schema file
  | | |--src.fits
  | | |--icSrc.fits
  | | |--deepCoadd_det.fits
  | | |--deepCoadd_meas.fits
  | | |--deepCoadd_peak.fits
  | | |--deepCoadd_forced_src.fits
  | | |--deepCoadd_mergeDet.fits
  | | |--deepCoadd_ref.fits
  | | └--forced_src_schema.fits
  | |--[pointing]
  | | └--[filter]
  | |   |--thumbs
  | |   | |--oss-[visit]-[ccd].png
  | |   | └--flattened-[visit]-[ccd].png
  | |   |--output       # Directory for catalogs after detrending data of each CCD
  | |   | |--ICSRC-[visit]-[ccd].fits
  | |   | |--SRC-[visit]-[ccd].fits
  | |   | |--SRCMATCH-[visit]-[ccd].fits
  | |   | |--SRCMATCHFULL-[visit]-[ccd].fits
  | |   | └--[tract]
  | |   |   └--CALSRC-[visit]-[ccd].fits
  | |   |--corr # Directory for images after detrending data of each CCD
  | |   | |--CORR-[visit]-[ccd].fits
  | |   | |--BKGD-[visit]-[ccd].fits
  | |   | └--[tract]
  | |   |   └--CALEXP-[visit]-[ccd].fits
  | |   └--singleFrameDriver_metadata
  | |     └--[visit].boost
  | |--deepCoadd
  | | |--skyMap.pickle  # Defining tract
  | | └--[filter]
  | |   └--[tract]
  | |     └--[patch]
  | |       └--warp-[filter]-[tract]-[patch]-[visit].fits
  | |--jointcal-results # Directory for results of mosaic
  | | └--[tract]
  | |   |--wcs-[visit]-[ccd].fits
  | |   └--fcr-[visit]-[ccd].fits
  | └--deepCoadd-results        # Directory for results after coaddDriver and multiBandDriver
  |   |--[filter]
  |   | └--[tract]
  |   |   └--[patch]
  |   |     |--det_bkgd-[filter]-[tract]-[patch].fits
  |   |     |--det-[filter]-[tract]-[patch].fits
  |   |     |--calexp-[filter]-[tract]-[patch].fits
  |   |     |--srcMatch-[filter]-[tract]-[patch].fits
  |   |     |--srcMatchFull-[filter]-[tract]-[patch].fits
  |   |     |--meas-[filter]-[tract]-[patch].fits
  |   |     └--forced_src-[filter]-[tract]-[patch].fits
  |   └--merged
  |      └--[tract]
  |       └--[patch]
  |         |--mergeDet-[tract]-[patch].fits
  |         └--ref-[tract]-[patch].fits
  |--mosaic_diag_HSC-I  # Directory for validation of mosaic (need to add some options)
  | └--[tract]
  |   |--coeffs.dat
  |   |--ccd.dat
  |   |--jcont_[visit].png
  |   |--ResPosArrow2D_[visit].png
  |   |--dpos.dat
  |   |--ResPosScatter.png
  |   |--PosDPos.png
  |   |--ccdScale.dat
  |   |--fcont_[visit].png
  |   |--dmag.dat
  |   |--MdM.png
  |   |--ResFlux.png
  |   |--DFlux2D.png
  |   └--catalog.fits
  └--[detrend rerun]
      | |--packages.pickle
      | └--flat.py
      | └--[filter]
      |   └--thumbs
      |     |--oss-[visit]-[ccd].png
      |     └--flattened-[visit]-[ccd].png

hscPipe5 support filter list

Here is the supported filter information in hscPipe5. For more detailed filter data, please refer to Subaru Telescope - HSC filters . If you need to analyze unsupported filter data, please contact HSC pipeline Helpdesk.

Broad-band filters
Filter Filter name in pipeline hscPipe5
g HSC-G Yes
r HSC-R Yes
i HSC-I Yes
z HSC-Z Yes
y HSC-Y Yes
i2 HSC-I2 Yes
r2 HSC-R2 Yes

Narrow-band filters
Filter Open from hscPipe5
NB387 S16B Yes
NB468 S16A No
NB515 S15A No (1)
NB527 S16A No
NB656 S16A No
NB718 S16B Yes
NB816 S15B Yes
NB921 S15A Yes
NB926 S17A No
IB945 S17A No
NB973 S17A Yes
(1) Refer to NB515 processing.