NB515 processing

As you can see from hscPipe5 support filter list, the color term for NB515 is not registered. Then the following step are needed to forward your analysis.

Using Pan-STARRS1 catalog and calibrate photometric zero-point by yourself

As a reference catalog, Pan-STARRS1 is used. The NB515 data are calibrated by g-band in the reference catalog in accordance with filterMap determined in hscPipe. You can analyze the data using the following option which is used not to correct color in singleFrameDriver.py.

singleFrameDriver.py [data reduction directory] --calib [directory of data for detrending] --rerun [rerun name] --id visit=905496..905504:2 --config processCcd.calibrate.photocal.applyColorTerms=False

Furthermore, the similar option is needed when you execute mosaic.py.

mosaic.py [data reduction directory] --rerun [rerun name] --id visit=905496..905504:2 ccd=0..103 tract=0 --config doColorTerms=False

We recommend that the evaluation results should be output (refer to Mosaicking). If the validation results look good, then you can move to next step.