Contents of SRC-[visit]-[ccd].fits generated after reduceFrames.pyΒΆ

Name Type Doc
id Long unique ID
coord Coord position in ra/dec
parent Long unique ID of parent source
calib.detected Flag Source was detected as an icSrc
calib.psf.candidate Flag Flag set if the source was a candidate for PSF determination, as ...
calib.psf.used Flag Flag set if the source was actually used for PSF determination, a ...
flags.negative Flag set if source was detected as significantly negative
deblend.nchild Int Number of children this object has (defaults to 0)
deblend.deblended-as-psf Flag Deblender thought this source looked like a PSF
deblend.psf-center PointD If deblended-as-psf, the PSF centroid
deblend.psf-flux Double If deblended-as-psf, the PSF flux
deblend.too-many-peaks Flag Source had too many peaks; only the brightest were included
deblend.parent-too-big Flag Parent footprint covered too many pixels
deblend.failed Flag Deblending failed on source
deblend.skipped Flag Deblender skipped this source
deblend.ramped.template Flag This source was near an image edge and the deblender used
deblend.patched.template Flag This source was near an image edge and the deblender used
deblend.has.stray.flux Flag This source was assigned some stray flux
flags.badcentroid Flag the centroid algorithm used to feed centers to other algorithms f ...
centroid.sdss PointD SDSS-algorithm centroid measurement
centroid.sdss.err CovPointF covariance matrix for centroid.sdss
centroid.sdss.flags Flag set if the centroid.sdss measurement did not fully succeed
centroid.naive PointD unweighted 3x3 first moment centroid
centroid.naive.err CovPointF covariance matrix for centroid.naive
centroid.naive.flags Flag set if the centroid.naive measurement did not fully succeed
flags.pixel.edge Flag source is in region labeled EDGE
flags.pixel.interpolated.any Flag source’’s footprint includes interpolated pixels Flag source’’s center is close to interpolated pixels
flags.pixel.saturated.any Flag source’’s footprint includes saturated pixels Flag source’’s center is close to saturated pixels Flag source’’s footprint includes suspected CR pixels Flag source’’s center is close to suspected CR pixels
flags.pixel.bad Flag source is in region labeled BAD
flags.pixel.suspect.any Flag source’’s footprint includes suspect pixels Flag source’’s center is close to suspect pixels
shape.sdss MomentsD shape measured with SDSS adaptive moment algorithm
shape.sdss.err CovMomentsF covariance matrix for shape.sdss
shape.sdss.flags Flag set if the shape.sdss measurement failed
shape.sdss.centroid PointD centroid measured with SDSS adaptive moment shape algorithm
shape.sdss.centroid.err CovPointF covariance matrix for shape.sdss.centroid
shape.sdss.centroid.flags Flag set if the shape.sdss.centroid measurement did not fully succeed
shape.sdss.flags.unweightedbad Flag even the unweighted moments were bad
shape.sdss.flags.unweighted Flag adaptive moments failed; fall back to unweighted moments
shape.sdss.flags.shift Flag centroid shifted while estimating adaptive moments
shape.sdss.flags.maxiter Flag too many iterations for adaptive moments
shape.sdss.psf MomentsD adaptive moments of the PSF model at the position of this object
shape.sdss.flags.psf Flag failure in measuring PSF model shape
flux.aperture ArrayD sum of pixels in apertures
flux.aperture.err ArrayD uncertainty for flux.aperture
flux.aperture.nProfile Int pixels
flux.aperture.flags Flag success flag for flux.aperture
flux.gaussian Double linear fit to an elliptical Gaussian with shape parameters set by ...
flux.gaussian.err Double uncertainty for flux.gaussian
flux.gaussian.flags Flag set if the flux.gaussian measurement failed
flux.gaussian.psffactor Float ‘’flux’’ from applying the algorithm to the PSF model
flux.gaussian.flags.psffactor Flag set if the algorithm could not be applied to the PSF model
flux.kron Double Kron photometry: photometry with aperture set to some multiple of ...
flux.kron.err Double uncertainty for flux.kron
flux.kron.flags Flag set if the flux.kron measurement failed
flux.kron.psffactor Float ‘’flux’’ from applying the algorithm to the PSF model
flux.kron.flags.psffactor Flag set if the algorithm could not be applied to the PSF model
flux.kron.radius Float Kron radius (sqrt(a*b))
flux.kron.radiusForRadius Float Radius used to estimate <radius> (sqrt(a*b))
flux.kron.flags.radius Flag Bad Kron radius
flux.kron.flags.smallRadius Flag Measured Kron radius was smaller than that of the PSF
flux.naive Double simple sum over pixels in a circular aperture
flux.naive.err Double uncertainty for flux.naive
flux.naive.flags Flag set if the flux.naive measurement failed
flux.psf Double flux measured by a fit to the PSF model
flux.psf.err Double uncertainty for flux.psf
flux.psf.flags Flag set if the flux.psf measurement failed
flux.psf.psffactor Float ‘’flux’’ from applying the algorithm to the PSF model
flux.psf.flags.psffactor Flag set if the algorithm could not be applied to the PSF model
flux.sinc Double elliptical aperture photometry using sinc interpolation
flux.sinc.err Double uncertainty for flux.sinc
flux.sinc.flags Flag set if the flux.sinc measurement failed
correctfluxes.apcorr Float correction applied to model fluxes to match to 7.000000-pixel ape ...
correctfluxes.apcorr.flags Flag flag set if aperture correction failed
focalplane PointF Focal plane position
jacobian Double Jacobian correction
classification.extendedness Double probability of being extended
classification.exposure.photometric Flag set if source was used in photometric calibration
classification.photometric Flag set if source was used in photometric calibration