Set a registry for raw dataΒΆ
You need to move your raw data into a repository, and register the data to HSC pipeline by command.
# moving raw data into a repository
cd ~/data
# registering raw data to HSC pipeline ~/hsc ./*.fits --mode=link --create
# USAGE: <data reduction directory> <name of fits file> --mode=*** --create
# Parameters:
# --mode : Raw data placement method when you make a new registry. Options are move, copy, link, and skip.
# --create: A parameter when you make a new registry.
Please specify a directory with absolute path when you use HSC pipeline commands.
Once you set a registry with, new directories of <object name>, DOMEFLAT, DARK and so on are generated under ~/hsc. Additionally, you also find your HSC raw data in <object name> directory. Information of raw data is registered in a file named registry.sqlite3 under ~/hsc. You can retrieve the information in registry.sqlite3 by SQL commands.
We introduce data reduction of G-band and I-band data of DITH-16H as an example. First, we retrieve information in registry.sqlite3.
# opening registry.sqlite3 by SQL
sqlite3 ~/hsc/registry.sqlite3
# reading a header information
sqlite> .header on
# selecting visit ID, filter name, field name, number of visits
sqlite> SELECT visit, filter, field, count(visit)
...> FROM raw # selecting above information from a registry
...> GROUP BY visit, filter, field; # showing information in the order of visit > filter > field
# (Search results are displaied as Figure 4)
# quit retrieving a registory
sqlite> .q
In Figure 4, you will find 112 CCDs data in all visits. Futhermore, you can get the type of raw data and their visit IDs by sqlite3 search. For example data, we have:
- DITH_16H (G-band): visit ID 903160, 903162, ... , 903188
- DITH_16H (I-band): visit ID 902798, 902800, ... , 902870
- BIAS : visit ID 902670, 902672, ... , 902678
- DARK : visit ID 006600
- FLAT (G-band) : visit ID 903036, 903038, ... , 903044
- FLAT (I-band) : visit ID 902690, 902692, ... , 902704
It is possible that HSC pipeline commands run even when data taken one shot are imperfect for all 112 CCDs. You must check if all visits have 112 CCDs.
We briefly introduce you how to retrive registry by SQL. Types of data is stored in
table. First, we check the number and types of table in a registry. For now,
there are only raw data table named raw
and raw_visit
. In raw
information of object, visit, ccd, filter etc is stored. We show all informations
as an example in Figure 5.
# a command to show an explanation of search results
sqlite> .explain on
# showing the type of table
sqlite> .table
raw raw_visit
# selecting all header information from raw table
sqlite> select * from raw
...> group by visit; # show in the order of visit ID
# search results
id taiObs expI poin data visit da frameId filter field pa expTime ccdTemp ccd proposal config autoguider
---- ------------- ---- ---- ---- ------------- -- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ----------
49 2014-09-19 HSCA00660000 992 DARK 6600 2014-09-19 HSCA00660048 HSC-I DARK 90.347 30.0 -100.594 111 o14422 20140306.cfg 0
# help command to retrive a registory by sqlite3
sqlite> .help