Naming HSC dataΒΆ
HSC raw data is named as HSC+[A, B, C...]+%6d+%2d.fits. First, one alphabet comes after HSC. We use ‘A’ for now, but it will change to ‘B’, ‘C’ and so on. The ‘%6d’ is combination of even and odd, and represents a shot number. For example, raw data named HSCA123456+%2d.fits and HSCA123457+%2d.fits are taken in one shot. Especially, even ‘%6d’ is visit ID which is used in HSC pipeline. The ‘%2d’ expresses a CCD ID. The ID number from 00 to 57 is assigned to each CCD.
Figure 2 shows the CCD arrangement of HSC. The SDO-ID is CCD IDs for raw data. CCDs colored in cyan and purple denote CCDs with even and odd ‘%6d’ shot names, respectively. The double-digit number after under-bar on each CCD stands for a CCD ID of raw data.
For instance, you find a raw data named HSCA12300116.fits. Its a raw data of visit ID 123000 and CCD ID 58 (CCD ID of 58 is found about the center of HSC).